Making Sense of Anxiety

by | Sep 4, 2024 | Blog

Anxiety can feel like a storm inside your mind, leaving you restless, worried, and overwhelmed. It is an emotion that often takes over, making even the simplest tasks seem daunting. But understanding anxiety and knowing how to manage it can help you regain control and find peace.

1. Recognise Your Anxiety

The first step in managing anxiety is recognising it for what it is. Anxiety often shows up as a constant worry about the future, a feeling of unease, or even physical symptoms like a racing heart. By acknowledging your anxiety, you take away some of its power and begin the journey toward managing it.

“Recognising your anxiety is the first step toward reclaiming your peace.”

2. Ground Yourself in the Present

Anxiety thrives on “what ifs” and future worries. One of the most effective ways to manage it is by grounding yourself in the present moment. Practice deep breathing, mindfulness, or simply focus on what’s happening right now. This helps break the cycle of anxious thoughts and brings your mind back to a place of calm.

“When anxiety pulls you into the future, anchor yourself in the present.”

3. Seek Support and Guidance

You don’t have to manage anxiety alone. Talking to someone who understands can make a big difference. As an integrative counsellor, I’m here to help you explore the root causes of your anxiety and develop strategies to manage it. Together, we can work on finding balance, so you can live a life with more calm and confidence.

Ask yourself

How can I take the first step toward managing my anxiety today?

Anxiety doesn’t have to control your life. By recognising it, grounding yourself, and seeking support, you can learn to manage your anxiety and find peace within. If anxiety is something you’re struggling with, I’m here to guide you through it, offering the tools and insights needed to regain control and live a more peaceful life.

Gareth Taylor is an integrative counsellor and psychotherapist based in Kent, UK offering in person and online therapy.

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