Armistice Day: Reflecting on the Silent Echoes of War”

by | Nov 11, 2023 | Blog

‘At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them’
– Robert Laurence Binyan

As a therapist, my work often involves helping individuals navigate the complexities of their emotions, memories, and traumas. Armistice Day, observed on the 11th of November each year, provides a poignant moment for reflection on the enduring impact of war on the human psyche. This day, originally designated to commemorate the end of World War One, has evolved into a broader symbol of remembrance for all those who have experienced the profound effects of armed conflict.

The Silent Echoes

Through my work, I frequently meet individuals carrying the silent traumas of war within them. These traumas manifest in various ways – from the subtle tremors of anxiety to the deafening silence of suppressed memories. For me, Armistice Day is an invitation to acknowledge and honour these silent wounds, recognising the weight they bear on the mental and emotional well-being of those who have been directly or indirectly touched by war.

Healing the Invisible Wounds

While the physical scars of war may fade over time, the invisible wounds often endure. During my time as a  psychotherapist, I have had experiences of helping clients unravel the complex tapestry of emotions woven into their experiences. Post-traumatic stress, survivor’s guilt, and the haunting memories of conflict are common themes that emerge during these therapeutic journeys. Armistice Day serves as a reminder of the ongoing need for support and understanding in healing these invisible wounds.

Intersecting Identities

War affects individuals in all corners of society – gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and more. My belief is that Armistice Day is an opportunity to reflect not only on the collective trauma of conflict but also on the unique struggles faced by different groups. For me as a therapist, it is essential to be attuned to the nuanced ways in which war intersects with individual identities, shaping their narratives and influencing their mental health.

The Role of Commemoration

Commemorative events on Armistice Day are not just historical rituals but also opportunities for communal healing. Participating in these events can offer a sense of connection and shared understanding. For some clients, engaging in such activities may be a part of their therapeutic journey, providing a space to express and process complex emotions related to war and conflict.

Moving Forward

As we observe Armistice Day, let us not only remember the past but also consider the present and future. How can we contribute to creating a world where the silent echoes of war are minimised? How can we support those who continue to grapple with the aftermath of conflict? These questions guide my reflections as a psychotherapist committed to fostering healing and resilience in the face of the enduring impact of war and conflict.


Armistice Day is more than a historical marker; it is a reminder of the indelible mark that war leaves on the human soul. As a therapist, my commitment to supporting individuals in their healing journeys is strengthened on this day. May our collective reflections on Armistice Day inspire compassion, understanding, and a renewed dedication to the well-being of all those affected by the silent echoes of war.

For more about what I do, follow the link here.